Friday, July 6, 2012

The Green Lantern


"The Green Lantern"
I am working for Xanterra this summer, the conssessioners for Mt Rushmore and the have dorms near Mt Rushmore. I was waiting for a friend before we went to see a movie and just happened to have my camera with me. I was wandering around and the generator that helps power the dorms had this green light on top, the lights in the back are the path that come down from mt rushmore to the dorms. I love the contrast in this image.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Not my best shot ever. I took this one to quick and forgot to check my exposure so i had to correct it in Lightroom. I kind of like the effect that happened on it, makes it feel old fashioned kind of. But this is my good friend David Holmgrens dog Alice. She spent they day at our house and this was right before she left. lol